
Business Professionals

Business professionals often grapple with substance abuse due to the high-stress demands of their roles, which can include long hours, intense pressure, and constant performance expectations. The competitive nature of the business world can lead individuals to use substances as a means of coping with stress, enhancing productivity, or managing burnout. This self-medication, while initially seeming to offer temporary relief or a performance boost, can quickly lead to dependency and exacerbate mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Addressing substance abuse in business people involves recognizing the unique pressures of their environment and offering targeted support that balances both their professional responsibilities and personal well-being. Effective interventions often include stress management techniques, counseling, and creating supportive work environments that prioritize mental health, ultimately helping individuals achieve sustainable recovery and maintain their professional effectiveness.

What Sets Us Apart


Access to Technology

We at Seaequell House enable our business clients to have a dedicated access to their technology allowing for them to stay in the drivers seat of their business affairs while beginning their journey into recovery.


Wellness Therapies

Wellness Therapy addresses the emotional, mental, and social dimensions of recovery. Includes practices such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and nutritional counseling.


Private and Semi Private Rooms

Private and semi-private rooms in substance abuse treatment facilities offer a range of benefits that enhance the overall recovery experience.

What We Offer

Why Seek Treatment

Residential treatment offers substantial benefits for business professionals struggling with substance abuse by providing a structured, immersive environment away from the high-stress demands of their daily work lives. This dedicated setting allows individuals to focus entirely on their recovery without the constant pressure of professional responsibilities. In residential treatment, business professionals can engage in intensive therapy and support groups specifically designed to address both addiction and the unique stressors associated with their careers. The separation from the work environment helps to break the cycle of substance abuse and fosters a healthier perspective on work-life balance. Additionally, the comprehensive care provided in residential treatment supports the development of coping strategies tailored to manage workplace stress and prevent relapse, ultimately facilitating a more sustainable and effective recovery.

Access to Technology

Access to technology while in residential treatment for substance abuse offers significant benefits for business professionals. It allows them to stay connected with their professional responsibilities, facilitating a smoother transition back to work and minimizing the impact of their absence. Technology can also support the treatment process by providing access to teletherapy sessions, digital recovery resources, and educational tools that help individuals understand and manage their addiction. Moreover, it enables business professionals to maintain a sense of normalcy and continuity, which can be crucial for managing stress and anxiety related to their career. By integrating technology into residential treatment, individuals can balance their recovery needs with their professional commitments, enhancing their chances of achieving a successful and sustained return to both personal and professional life.

Medical Treatment

Medications are accessible to alleviate the discomfort of detox and deter alcohol cravings, available in oral or injectable forms. Medical interventions are also accessible to address additional health issues linked to addiction.

Throughout Treatment

Healthcare providers vigilantly oversee the administration of medications during addiction treatment. Vivitrol, an injectable medication, helps prevent relapse by inhibiting the release of dopamine thereby reducing cravings and the urge to use. It is commonly used post-detox during the stabilization phase.

Residential Treatment

Following the initial detoxification phase, numerous patients attain stability. Subsequently, they may transition into residential treatment, particularly beneficial for individuals at high risk of relapse.

Residential treatment programs can span from several weeks to several months, tailored to the specific needs of each patient. During inpatient treatment, patients reside in a rehabilitation facility where they receive continuous support and comprehensive therapy. This environment ensures safety, shielding patients from negative influences or triggers that could provoke a return to active addiction.

Private and Semi Private rooms available

Private and semi-private rooms in substance abuse treatment facilities offer a range of benefits that enhance the overall recovery experience. Private rooms provide individuals with a personal space to retreat and reflect, which can be crucial for managing the stress and emotional challenges of recovery. This solitude allows for greater privacy, personal comfort, and the opportunity to focus on self-care and introspection without the distractions or disturbances that might occur in a shared environment. Semi-private rooms, on the other hand, strike a balance between privacy and social support, offering a more communal atmosphere while still allowing for personal space. Both options help to create a supportive and individualized treatment environment, reducing feelings of isolation and fostering a sense of security, which can significantly improve engagement with the therapeutic process and enhance overall recovery outcomes.

what makes us different

Residential Addiction Treatment

Behavioral Therapy:

Ongoing cognitive behavioral therapy helps patients learn to cope with cravings and any other lingering issues associated with their addiction.

Family Therapy:

In some instances, patients may benefit from working through addiction with the inclusion of family. This therapy aims to improve relationships and work through situational problems to ensure a successful recovery.

Medical Treatment:

Medications are available to reduce the unpleasant symptoms of drug and alcohol detox as well as prevent cravings. These may be oral or injected medications.

Group Therapy:

Patients work together with others in treatment to establish a strong supportive foundation for recovery.

Holistic Treatments:

These focus on restoring the mind, body and spirit through yoga, meditation, and natural remedies.

Nutritional Therapy:

Due to the detrimental effects drugs and alcohol have on the body, nutrition is key to rebuilding health.



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